Physical activities keep a person fit and are said to be essential in life. Regular exercise keeps a person fit and healthy. It keeps constant energy and highly reduces the chances of being diagnosed with many different health diseases which include diabetes, cancer, stroke, and many more. 

Back in the days, people used to be physically active due to which they faced fewer issues related to their health. However, it isn’t the same as before. New technology and modern lifestyle have made people more vulnerable to diseases as they don’t work out or are not involved in physical activities. Doctors recommend different types of activities that keep an individual physically stable.

The types of physical activities are mentioned below:

Light- and Moderate-Intensity Activities

Light activities involve the chores and tasks people carry out in their normal daily life. As it does not need any extra strength and effort. On the other hand, Moderate intensity activities require more strength and effort than usual as it involves the heart, lungs, and muscles to fulfill their tasks vigorously. Moderate-intensity physical activities reduce the chances of cardiovascular problems, cancer, and depression. 

Vigorous-Intensity Activities

The technological advancement in the present world has made people lazy and unhealthy. Activities that are vigorous in intensity strengthen the body muscles and pump more blood to the lungs which in turn improves the transportation of blood throughout the body. 

Aerobic Activity

Aerobic activities favor the heart and lungs to get the most benefits. This type of activity includes swimming, biking, running, and many more. Aerobic activities promote heartbeat rate in humans and make the organs stronger with a longer lifespan. These activities diminish tension, anger, and depression and their effects.


Physical activities improve the immune system and reduce the risk of getting affected by different diseases such as heart attack and cancer. It protects us by keeping our weight in balance and improves our stamina consumption as well as production. Being physically fit and active is essential for our blood sugar level and blood pressure. Physical activities enhance our life span. Therefore, it is necessary for a person to manage his routine by adding some time for proper physical activities/ exercises which will keep him in shape.